Friday, September 21, 2012

Elephant Communication: Fabulous Fact Friday

Did you know that elephants communicate by sensing vibrations in the ground? This summer I read a very interesting book about elephants called The Elephant Scientist by Caitiyn O'Connell. O'Connell is a biologist and she and a team of others were trying to prevent elephants from raiding farmer's fields. She wanted to find a way to protect crops without hurting the elephants. As she studied the elephants, she noticed that they seemed to be using their feet and trunks to sense sounds traveling through the ground. She set up a series of experiments, and found that she was right. They use these vibrations to find watering holes and to protect the group from danger.

Elephants are such cool animals!

By the way, this summer I took my own children to the zoo. While there, we were watching the elephants. There is a mother elephant with a three year old baby. The mother pooped and the baby came over and started eating the poop. I don't know if this is common behavior for elephant babies or not, but my kids were quite surprised by it and have talked about it for the past three months.

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