Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Symbols of the US

We are studying symbols of the US again. We've learned about the flag, the Liberty Bell, and the Statue of Liberty so far. We did a fun art project to go with the flag.

I designed these USA flags. It is the letters USA in block form with flags drawn in one corner and then stripes. Students then painted them to look like our American flag. I think they look great. I hope that my students gain a greater understanding of each of the patriotic symbols we study, and I hope they recognize how fortunate we are to live in this great land of freedom. I hope they will become respectful, responsible citizens of our country.

We read a lot of books about each patriotic symbol, and I create a web to record some of what we learn. Then each student writes one or two paragraphs about the symbol. These are all in a packet together, so at the end of the unit they will have a page about each symbol. I love studying about our nation!

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