First, we used the darling lesson called Simple Simon Meets a Producer found at Econ Ed. This gives them a good introduction into what a producer is and what a consumer is. Then we talk about ways they are producers and consumers. Each child then wrote a paper listing one or more ways they are a producer and another paper telling what they consume.
After these activities, we begin to talk about wants versus needs. One of the activities I have them do is a sort. There are pictures and they have to sort them by want versus need. This leads to some great discussions. Is a plant a want or need and why? (Some plants provide food and oxygen, for example, but you could survive without house plants. We need shelter, but it does't have to be a huge mansion.) Ultimately, I let each child decide whether something is a want or need. I say that for me, books feel like a need, although I guess I could LIVE without them...but it would be hard, very hard! :) Already they can probably tell that is true for me. Similarly, they wouldn't want to live without their video games, but they could survive.
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