Wednesday, February 9, 2011

100th Day of School

Our 100th day of school was January 27, 2011. We had fun celebrating.

We practiced counting to 100 by 5 and 10. We talked about how many dimes, pennies, nickels and quarters equal 100 cents.

Kids found different ways to group objects into 100. For example, they made 10 groups of 10 blocks and 2 groups of 50 paperclips. They put teddy bear counters into 5 groups of 20 and beans into 4 groups of 25.

Students also wrote a story about what they thought they would look, act and feel like when they are 100. We turned these into a darling, funny class book!

In addition, we made a class book of 100 things we are grateful for. There are 24 kids +1 teacher = 25 people. So each of us wrote 4 things we are thankful for.

We also looked for words that equal 100 cents if A = 1 cent, B = 2 cents and so on.

We read a couple of great books including: 100 Hungry Ants by Bonnie MacKain and Elinor Pinczes and 100 Days Of School by Trudy Harris and Beth Griffis Johnson.

Some other ideas that we didn't have time to do this year were:

to do 10 jumping jacks, 10 sit ups, 10 jumpropes, 10 spins, and so on until we had done 10 different activities.

Have a list of items that students could buy that cost $2, $5, $10, $20, and $25 and let students create a list of what they would buy for exactly $100.

Practice reading our 100 second grade high frequency words.

Measure to find things that are 100 centimeters (1 meter) long.

Measure to find things that are 100 paper clips long.

Turn the number 100 into a work of art (using collage to create the number or by writing the number 100 and then drawing designs to turn it into a picture).

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