Wednesday, August 11, 2010


We have been learning about gravity. Gravity is a force that pulls objects toward Earth. Today the students did our culminating activity. After writing what it would be like if gravity had no effect on them for one day, each student created a "gravity defying flying device" (better known as a paper airplane). Their goal was to create the best gravity defying flying device...the one that would go the farthest and stay in the air the longest before gravity forced it to the Earth. After creating their airplanes, we had a contest. Several of the students did quite an impressive job with their creations, showing creativity as well as being successful at sailing a long way. Ask your child to show you their gravity defying flying device and ask them about the other experiments we did. What happened when they dropped different objects (of different sizes and weights) at the same time? Which falls faster, a playground ball or a baseball? (answer: They hit the ground at the same time.)

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