Sunday, October 9, 2011

Math Fun!

Every weekend I send a math game home for my students to play with their families. Some of these games have come from our math program or from our district math coach, but some I have found online. I just thought others might want to see where I found some of these great games and might want to try them out as well. Here are two sites that have some fun printable games.

(For online math games, see the links list over on the sidebar.)

Snake and other games to practice addition, subtraction and multiplication (as well as many other skills) were found on this very fun blog, Love 2 learn and share. These are printable card games...and snake was/is very popular in my second grade class.

The website Learn with Math Games is great. I found a couple of printable math games in the section labeled "printable". One was a matching game to match shapes and solids with their name. Another is a game called Honey Hunt that works on patterns. There are other games as well under the other sections... check it out.